
Thursday, 25 September 2014

Marae trip
Kia ora!Guess what! Do you know that we went with the Rm5 at the marae.We went to a maori marae.We took our shoes off.Do you know why!Because that the rule inside the marae.We went inside. There were pictures that i did not know they were special they were born before us.There was only one girl that did everything she always cleans the place and looks after them whenever they go some one.She was a good girl she was kind to them.

We had to do the hongi nose to head.Then we had to go and wash our hands.Then we went to the kitchen then we  ate cookies and we drank water.Then the Rm5 people went in the room.We were in the kitchen hall.We were learning a song.We did maori dancing.We were doing a song with the dance.We were lucky because we got to make maori baskets.Then after we had to change we went in the first room.We had to draw some of the maori people from a long time ago.I was doing the girl.There was a boy that looked hamsan he had black eye balls and the rest had no colour on them the coloured them brown only.Then it was time for all of us to sing our song.Then we said goodbye to them.We went outside and we posted our shoes on and we went on the bus and we were at school it was a good day at the marae.And it was good at singing that song with the fire bender.
By Thelma

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Rock Doc

1.There is a doctor his name was Doctor Anderson.He about the rocks.He is a geologist.Are geologist ia a person who study’s about the earth,Earthquakes,ocean floor,minerals and fossils and even study about rocks from the moon and mars.He went to university for a long time.He uses microscopes
9 April
once a upon a time there was a tiger that lived in china but he lived in the forest the most he only could not do was not catching other animals.The tiger has sharp fangs fangs are teeth and they are very sharp.The tiger was very hungry and tiger like batting bones but they don’t eat animals the most.

But when he went in the forest he saw a big cat came buy . The cat was good at running and he was clever he could hide in the forest. He could jump to rock to rock and the tiger said can you teach me he was quick. He pounce and prowl. Then tiger was not happy that he could not catch animals but the cat said you can come tomorrow and i will teach you.Then he came every day he so he can learn.

Then he was good at everything and he could get deer and meat things that are meat and also they also like animals that go and eat grass and also that run away and also they are so not good running and they are so good and they are so good and they so good.

By Thelma

Saturday, 20 September 2014


guess what ! we are talking about cows.cows smell like they are swimming in the water and when they get out of the water they smell nice. cows get milk when their babies get out from their stomach. And when they eat grass it goes to the first stomach and then it goes back to the mouth and then the cow chews it . The cows has 4 stomachs. cows are mammals like animals .Cows are very cool but not cool because they smell are lot and cows are very smells not nice. Cows are so cute Because when the cows get a baby they drink milk from the mom's stomach.